
What is quasi-static process explain?

What is quasi-static process explain?

In thermodynamics, a quasi-static process (also known as a quasi-equilibrium process; from the Latin quasi, meaning ‘as if’), is a thermodynamic process that happens slowly enough for the system to remain in internal physical (but not necessarily chemical) thermodynamic equilibrium.

What is a quasi-static adiabatic process?

A quasi-static process is a thermodynamic CHANGE (e.g., in pressure, or temperature, or volume) which takes place while the system nevertheless remains (essentially) in equilibrium – temperature, pressure, etc. being uniform throughout the system.

What is quasi-static process class 12?

Solution. A quasi-static process is an infinitely slow process in which the system changes its variables (P, V, T) so slowly such that it remains in thermal, mechanical, and chemical equilibrium with its surroundings throughout.

What is quasi-static process class 11th?

Quasi static term means semi static . It is not purely moving. It is a hypothetical construct which means it is not in real. It is an infinitely slow process which means change from its original position is not at all significant.

What is quasi-static process class 11?

Why quasi-static process is reversible?

A process, carried out in a stepwise manner, becomes quasi-static when the number of intermediate steps tends to infinity. Usually, the net entropy production approaches zero under this limiting condition. Hence, such cases are termed reversible.

What is use of quasi-static process?

Only in a quasi-static process can we precisely define the system’s intensive quantities (such as pressure, temperature, specific volume, and specific entropy) at each instant throughout the process; otherwise, because no internal equilibrium is established, different parts of the system would have different values of …

What is a quasi-static process and reversible work?

To summary, quasistatic process is the process in which every instantaneous states is equilibrium;reversible process is the quasistatic process in which the entropy does not increase,but the quasistatic is not necessarily a reversible, that depents on the entropy—increasing or not.

What is quasi-static process in thermodynamics class 11?

A quasi-static process (also known as a quasi-equilibrium process) is a type of thermodynamic process. Quasi-static expansion is an example of this, in which the volume of a system changes so slowly that the pressure remains constant throughout the system at all times during the process.