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What happens when a stent gets clogged?

What happens when a stent gets clogged?

The most common method is to maneuver a drug-coated stent wrapped around a balloon into the middle of the closed-up stent. Inflating the balloon pushes aside the material obstructing the old stent and opens the new one. This often, but not always, solves the problem for good.

What are the symptoms of a clogged stent?

Impacts of a complete blockage The symptoms – chest pain, tightness and shortness of breath – can be similar, though. Sometimes, when arteries become completely blocked, a new blood supply develops around the blockage. This new blood supply, called collaterals, won’t deliver as much blood to your heart.

What happens if a stent moves?

Can the stent move? Once the stent is opened and presses into the inside wall of your coronary artery, it will remain in place permanently. Vessel tissue will grow around the stent and hold it in place.

Can stents be removed from arteries?

He’d perform a procedure called a coronary endarterectomy on his heart. Fukuhara says this procedure consists of unroofing the diseased blood vessel, removing the obstructed stents and/or blood vessel plaque, and then patching the unroofed blood vessel with the patient’s own tissue.

How common is stent restenosis?

Ellis says, “in-stent restenosis still occurs in approximately 3 to 10% of patients within six to nine months, and sometimes afterwards. We have learned that restenosis is a very complex process.” Some known causes include: Stents that are too small or misaligned in the blood vessel.

Can stents be cleaned out?

Non-Surgical Options This can be done with a high pressure balloon (sometimes assisted by laser to loosen up the firm tissue around the stent). If the stent was well-expanded and the problem is tissue regrowth inside the stent, the best treatment option is often placement of another drug-eluting stent (DES).

Do stents set off metal detectors?

Because the stent is a foreign object in your coronary artery, you should receive a stent card that describes the type, date and location of the stent. You will not set off any metal detectors after stent implantation.

Can you have a MRI scan if you have stents?

Mammography, CT scanning, x-rays and nuclear stress tests are considered safe for people with stents. However, if you need magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the technician will need to operate the machine within certain limits.
