Useful tips

Can we pass a function as argument in C#?

Can we pass a function as argument in C#?

We can pass a function as a parameter inside another function with the Func delegate. The following code example shows us how we can pass a function as a parameter inside another function with the Func<> delegate in C#. The Func<> delegate can only be used to pass the functions that return some value.

Is it possible to pass methods as arguments for other methods without modification?

A brief introduction Thus, you cannot think to pass a method as a parameter, because methods don’t produce any values themselves, as they’re not expressions but statements, which are stored in the generated assemblies. At this point, you’ll face delegates.

What is use of delegates in C#?

Delegates allow methods to be passed as parameters. Delegates can be used to define callback methods. Delegates can be chained together; for example, multiple methods can be called on a single event.

How do you pass an argument to a method in C#?

In C#, arguments can be passed to parameters either by value or by reference. Passing by reference enables function members, methods, properties, indexers, operators, and constructors to change the value of the parameters and have that change persist in the calling environment.

How do you pass an argument?

To pass one or more arguments to a procedure In the calling statement, follow the procedure name with parentheses. Inside the parentheses, put an argument list. Include an argument for each required parameter the procedure defines, and separate the arguments with commas.

What is difference between delegate and events in C#?

Delegate is a function pointer. An event is dependent on a delegate and cannot be created without delegates. Event is a wrapper around delegate instance to prevent users of the delegate from resetting the delegate and its invocation list and only allows adding or removing targets from the invocation list.

When would you use delegates instead of interfaces?

When should Delegate be used in place of Interface

  1. If Interface defines only a single method then we should use Delegate.
  2. If multicast is required.
  3. If subscriber need to implement the interface multiple times.

How does Func work in C#?

Func is a delegate that points to a method that accepts one or more arguments and returns a value. Action is a delegate that points to a method which in turn accepts one or more arguments but returns no value. In other words, you should use Action when your delegate points to a method that returns void.