
What was at the top of the Aztec social structure?

What was at the top of the Aztec social structure?

Aztec society was divided into five main social classes. At the top of the class structure were the ruler and his family. Next came a noble class of government officials, priests, and high-ranking warriors. The third and largest class was made up of commoners, citizens who were not of noble rank.

What was the smallest social class in the Aztec society?

These serfs were the lowest class of all in Aztec society, known as mayeque; they owned no land and paid up to 30% of their produce to their overlords. In addition to farming, the macehualtin were also expected to perform military service in times of war and assist in state projects such as road and temple building.

Which social class in Aztec society had the most members?

The middle class in Aztec society were referred to as macehualtin and they made up the largest group of people in Aztec society.

What was society like for the Aztecs?

The Aztec civilization was also highly developed socially, intellectually and artistically. It was a highly structured society with a strict caste system; at the top were nobles, while at the bottom were serfs, indentured servants and enslaved workers.

How was the social structure of the Aztec empire similar to the social structures of Latin America under European colonialism?

Making Comparisons How was the social structure of the Aztec Empire similar to the social structures of Latin America under European colonialism? Both systems were highly structured with the majority of people at the bottom in each system. The Aztecs were ruled by an emperor and military officials.

What was the largest class in Aztec society?

Farmers. Farmers, or macehualtin, were by far the largest section of Aztec society and they were divided into two further groups.

Which Aztec social class was the smallest which was the largest?

Which Aztec social class was the smallest which was the largest? As in most societies, the nobles made up the smallest class but they had the most power. They owned large estates and ran the government and military. Priests, too, came from the noble class.

How did the Aztecs develop their society?

The Aztecs expanded their empire through military conquest and sustained it through tributes imposed on the conquered regions. Every 80 days, the new subjects of the Aztecs had to pay tributes to Tenochtitlan. As for the Aztec society, it was very complex. It was socially divided between the nobility and the populace.

Which social structure did the Aztecs and Incas have in common?

They were both based on agriculture and strong imperial control. They both developed kinship groups (allyu and calpulli) and predominant nobilities.

Did the Aztec Empire have social mobility?

Whilst it’s true that Mexica (Aztec) society was strongly hierarchical, social mobility – both downwards and upwards – was not just possible, but surprisingly widespread.

Did the Aztecs have social mobility?