Users' questions

What plants does myrtle rust affect?

What plants does myrtle rust affect?

Myrtle rust could affect iconic New Zealand plants including pōhutukawa, mānuka, rātā, kānuka, swamp maire and ramarama, as well as commercially-grown species such as eucalyptus. Myrtle rust attacks young, soft, actively growing leaves, shoot tips and young stems.

How do plants fight myrtle rust?

removal of host material at infected properties. establishment of a buffer zone around infected properties and fungicide treatment in these areas. application of fungicide to continue suppression of the disease. spore trapping to establish whether the rust was spreading.

How do I stop myrtle rusting?


  1. Familiarise yourself with signs of myrtle rust.
  2. Do not move plants known to be infected with myrtle rust.
  3. In home gardens, remove healthy plants susceptible to myrtle rust before they become infected.
  4. Launder clothing, hats and gloves worn during activities in high risk areas before using them in other areas.

Does myrtle rust affect Lilly Pilly?

Myrtle rust infects soft, young growing tissues of the plant, and is most virulent during warmer months. Consider removing susceptible exotic species such as lilly pilly and replacing them with resistant natives such as pittosporum. Susceptible plants form a “reservoir” population in which the fungus can build up.

What do I do with myrtle rust?

Treatment options

  1. Spray plants. Spray infected and unaffected plants with a fungicide three to four days before removal.
  2. Remove plants.
  3. Dispose of plants.
  4. Remove and dispose of healthy plants as a preventative measure.
  5. If the infection is severe.

What do I do if myrtle rusts?

And if you believe you have found myrtle rust in the buh or in your own garden:

  1. Do not touch the plant or the rust.
  2. Call MPI’s Exotic Pest and Disease Hotline on 0800 80 99 66.
  3. Note the location and if possible, take photos, including the type of plant the suspected rust is on.

Can myrtle rust be treated?

At present, there is no cure for myrtle rust. Removing plants from your garden helps reduce the spread of the disease to other uninfected myrtles and our nearby forests.

Can you treat myrtle rust?

How fast does myrtle rust spread?

Myrtle rust reproduces rapidly, in as little as two to four weeks and can continue to damage new growth of infected plants repeatedly.

Is there a spray for myrtle rust?

Fungicide sprays are an option for controlling myrtle rust, but should be used sparringly and with caution. Remember there is no cure for myrtle rust, fungicides can only help reduce infection and spore production and needs to be used frequently to be effective.

What do I spray on myrtle rust?

Based on Australian, Hawaiian and Brazilian work, MPI have included myclobutanil as being effective against myrtle rust infections. Myclobutanil is systemic, curative and protectant. Apply PLANThealth Spectrum at 14-21 day intervals to susceptible plants.

Does myrtle rust affect roses?

Rust fungus grows within the leaf so there is usually a copy of the spores on the underside of the leaf as well. Different rust fungi attack different host plants so rust on gerananiums won’t spread to other types of plants. Rust is a common disease of calendulas, roses, snapdragons, geraniums, gerberas and beans.