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What famous quote did John Paul Jones say?

What famous quote did John Paul Jones say?

I have not yet begun to fight!
His most famous quote is “I have not yet begun to fight!”, which is what he really said while standing on the deck of the Bon Homme Richard when his enemies asked him to surrender. He ended up being victorious, but unfortunately, it was at the cost of the lives of many of his men.

What is a famous Navy saying?

“America’s Navy – A global force for good.” “Ready to Lead, Ready to Follow, Never Quit.” “The only easy day was yesterday!” “Qui Plantavit Curabit” – “He who has planted will preserve.”

What is the US Navy’s motto?

Other sources claim that “Semper Fortis” – Latin for “Always Courageous” – is the Navy’s unofficial motto; considering that the Navy was founded in the 18th century, when sailing in a Navy required venturing out into the unknown of the vast oceans, this emphasis on courage seems fitting.

What were this man’s famous words when asked to surrender his ship?

“I have not yet begun to fight!” This was the immortal retort of Captain John Paul Jones to a request to surrender as he and his crew engaged in a desperate battle with a British frigate off the northern coast of England during the American Revolution.

What is Nathan Hale famous quote?

“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” Have you heard this famous declaration before? American patriot Nathan Hale said it on September 22, 1776, his last words before he was hanged for spying on British troops.

What is the most famous line John Paul Jones uttered?

The quotation most people associate with American Navy Captain John Paul Jones is “I have not yet begun to fight.” According to legend, Jones said that defiant line during a naval battle with the British on September 23, 1779 when a British officer asked if he was ready to surrender.

What does the Marines say?

Oorah is a battle cry common in the United States Marine Corps since the mid-20th century. It is comparable to hooah in the US Army and hooyah in the US Navy and US Coast Guard. It is most commonly used to respond to a verbal greeting or as an expression of enthusiasm.

What’s the Air Force slogan?

To fly, fight, and win
The Air Force released its new mission statement: To fly, fight, and win… airpower anytime, anywhere.

What is the army Latin motto?

“De Oppresso Liber,” which is Latin for “To Liberate the Oppressed,” is the motto of the famed Army Special Forces.

Who Quoted I have not yet begun to fight?

John Paul Jones
Words attributed to the eighteenth-century naval hero John Paul Jones. He was doing battle with a British ship when his own ship was badly damaged, and the British commander called over to ask whether Jones had surrendered. He answered, “I have not yet begun to fight.” He and his crew then captured the British ship.

What were the last words of Nathan Hale?

After being led to the gallows, legend holds that Hale was asked if he had any last words and that he replied with these now-famous words, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” There is no historical record to prove that Hale actually made this statement, but, if he did, he may have been …