
How do you customize TinyMCE editor?

How do you customize TinyMCE editor?

  1. Register for a Tiny Cloud API key.
  2. Add a public key to the Tiny Cloud API key.
  3. Set up an Encryption endpoint.
  4. Set up a JSON Web Token (JWT) Provider endpoint.
  5. Configure the required TinyMCE RTC options.

How do you get rid of the menu bar on TinyMCE?

Example: Disabling/removing the menu bar To disable the menu bar, the menubar option should be provided a boolean value of false .

How do I install TinyMCE plugins?

Configure TinyMCE to use plugin. The plugin name should be added to the list of plugins on the TinyMCE “plugins” Key in the rx_resources\tinymce\js\config\default_config. json file. The rx_resources\tinymce\js\config\default_config. json file should also be used to customize the default plugins and toolbar properties.

How do I resize TinyMCE?

tinymce. init({ selector: ‘textarea’, // change this value according to your HTML resize: true });…resize option has 3 values:

  1. false : to disable.
  2. true : enable only Vertical resize.
  3. ‘both’ : enable both resize directions.

How do you style on TinyMCE editor?

Adds CSS style editing support to TinyMCE, this will enable you to edit almost any CSS style property in a visual way. You simply need to load the “style” plugin and add the control “styleprops” to any toolbar.

How do I display TinyMCE content in HTML?

You can do this using the getContent() method from the TinyMCE API. Let’s say you have initialized the editor on a textarea with id=”myTextarea” . First access the editor using that same id, then call getContent() . This will return the content in the editor marked up as HTML.

How do I use TinyMCE init?

This quick start covers how to add a TinyMCE editor to a web page using the Tiny Cloud.

  1. Step 1: Include the TinyMCE script. Include the following line of code in the of a HTML page.
  2. Step 2: Initialize TinyMCE as part of a web form.
  3. Step 3: Add your API key.
  4. Step 4: Save the content with a form POST.

How do I use TinyMCE plugins?

How to use TinyMCE premium plugins in WordPress 5

  1. Configure the domains on your API Key. Configure your API Key to allow requests from your WordPress domain.
  2. Install the Advanced TinyMCE Configuration WordPress plugin.
  3. Configure TinyMCE to use your premium plugins.

How do I change the width on TinyMCE editor?

User1052258516 posted

  1. Remove the width from the tinyMCE.init.
  2. Set the width of the textbox to 100%
  3. Place a DIV around the asp:textbox and set the width of the DIV (style=”width:300px;”) to whatever you want for a width.