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What is the meaning of word tending?

What is the meaning of word tending?

1 : to exhibit an inclination or tendency : conduce tends to be optimistic. 2 : to move, direct, or develop one’s course in a particular direction cannot tell where society is tending. tend. verb (2) tended; tending; tends.

What is tending to?

tend to. 1. To focus or apply one’s attention to someone or something; to take care of someone or something.

What is the meaning of tend in animal husbandry?

to take care of; minister to; watch over; look after; attend to. to tend plants or animals, to tend the sick. 2.

What does tending toward mean?

1. to be disposed or inclined in action, operation, or effect to do something: The particles tend to unite. 2. to be disposed toward an idea, emotion, way of thinking, etc.

Is it tending to or tending?

tend to do something: He tends to exaggerate….tend ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

present tense
he/she/it tends
present participle tending
past tense tended
past participle tended

What does tending the garden mean?

You can also say you tend something if you care for it. You have to tend a vegetable garden, for example, if you expect to harvest more vegetables than weeds. If you are inclined to do something, then you tend to do that thing.

What is the meaning of tending cattle?

a man who raises (or tends) cattle. synonyms: beef man, cow man. type of: stock farmer, stock raiser, stockman. farmer who breed or raises livestock.

Is it attended to or too?

When you use attend as “pay attention” or “take care of,” it’s followed by “to.” When you use attend as in “attend a party,” you don’t. If you attend a political rally, you’ll want to attend to what the politicians have to say.

What is the synonym of tending?

be inclined, be apt, be disposed, be prone, be liable, have a tendency, show a tendency, be likely, have a propensity. 2’younger voters tended towards the tabloid press’ incline, lean, swing, veer, gravitate, be drawn, move. favour. show a preference for, be biased.

Is it tending to or attending to?

attending to would be better, at least in American English. Tend to is usually used to mean to usually do a particular thing or have a particular quality, as in “the nurse, while attending to her patient, tends to be careless and forgetful.”

What is livestock used for?

Livestock are the domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to provide labor and produce commodities such as meat, eggs, milk, fur, leather, and wool.

What does it mean to tend animals?

tending animals definition, tending animals meaning | English dictionary. … phrase to qualify someone naive, inexperienced or immature; it alludes to newborn animals totally wet from the amniotic fluid during birth.