Useful tips

What shipping zone is Wisconsin?

What shipping zone is Wisconsin?

ZONE CHART Based on UPS Ground Service

State Zone State
Alabama (AL) 4 North Carolina (NC)
Minnesota (MN) 5 Wisconsin (WI)
Missouri (MO) 4 West Virginia (WV)
Mississippi (MS) 5 Wyoming (WY)

What are the USPS postal zones?

Breakdown of the Different USPS Zones

  • Zone 1: 1-50 miles.
  • Zone 2: 51-150 miles.
  • Zone 3: 151-300 miles.
  • Zone 4: 301-600 miles.
  • Zone 5: 601-1000 miles.
  • Zone 6: 1001-1400 miles.
  • Zone 7: 1401-1800 miles.
  • Zone 8: 1801 miles or greater.

How do I find my mail zone?

Follow these steps to find your Zone:

  1. Select the Get Zone for ZIP Code Pair tab on the Domestic Zone Chart page.
  2. Enter your ZIP Code under What ZIP Code are you mailing from? (origination point)
  3. Enter your ZIP Code under What ZIP Code are you mailing to? (destination point)

What are Zones 1/8 USPS?

Zone 1 would represent the closest (and therefore cheapest) areas to mail from your zip code, while Zone 8 would represent the farthest (and most expensive) areas. You can consult USPS rate charts to figure out your shipment’s postal zone, but you can also quickly look it up using our Zone Lookup Tool.

What are UPS zones?

The simplest way to explain zones is the distance between two points. The further your fulfillment warehouse is from your customer, the higher the zone. For example, if a package originates in Knoxville, the origin ZIP code starts with 377. ZIP codes with the first three digits of 376-379 are in Zone 2 for UPS.

Where is USPS Zone 9?

Zone 6: 1001-1400 miles. Zone 7: 1401-1800 miles. Zone 8: 1801 miles or greater. Zone 9: US territories like Guam and Palau.

How many postal zones are there?

nine postal zones
There are nine postal zones in India, including eight geographical region zones and one for the Indian Army.

How many shipping zones are there?

8 zones
Domestic Shipping Zones The United States is split into 8 zones, including Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Zone 1 would be the closest zone relative to a package’s origin and Zone 8 would be the farthest away.