
What mean by ambience in Marathi?

What mean by ambience in Marathi?

English to Marathi Meaning :: ambience Ambience : वातावरण

What does the ambience mean?

Definition of ambience : a feeling or mood associated with a particular place, person, or thing : atmosphere The restaurant’s soft music and candlelight gave it a romantic ambience.

What are examples of ambience?

The definition of ambience, or ambiance, is a specific feeling or mood connected to a specific person, place, or thing. An example of ambience is the feeling of romance associated with a candlelight dinner, wine, and soft music.

What is the meaning of good ambience?

Ambience is another word for atmosphere in the sense of the mood a place or setting has. If an expensive restaurant has soft lighting and peaceful music, it has a pleasant, soothing ambience.

What is meaning of Ambivert in Marathi?

ambivert – Meaning in Marathi. संस्कृतम्

What is another word for ambient?

What is another word for ambient?

environment setting
surroundings atmosphere
milieu environs
context climate
contexture medium

What is an ambient person?

creating a certain reaction or mood, often a subconscious one, by being wherever people tend to be: ambient advertising on a shopping cart. pertaining to or noting sounds that create a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere.

How do you use the word ambiance?

Ambiance in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The scented ambiance of the candle shop made me feel warm and comfortable.
  2. By closing the dark curtains, the server created a romantic ambiance around our dinner table.
  3. Using a room divider will enlarge your living area and destroy any ambiance of intimacy you might have in the room.

What is the ambient sound?

Ambient sound refers to the background or surrounding noise present. You can hear the ambient noise through the earbud microphone while listening to the music. Example: You can listen to the train announcement, rain, birds, etc.

What is the difference between ambience and ambiance?

Ambiance and ambience are both correct spellings of the same word. Ambience is the more popular of the two, but ambiance is acceptable. Will you write about the character or mood of a place with the French spelling?

What is the opposite of ambient?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for ambient. nonadjacent, noncontiguous.

What is SFX volume?

Entertainment. Special effects (usually visual), illusions used in film, television, and entertainment. Sound effects, sounds that are artificially created or enhanced.