Users' questions

What is calcinosis universalis?

What is calcinosis universalis?

Calcinosis universalis is a rare and interesting condition of unknown etiology characterized by deposits of calcium in the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The diagnosis is easily made roentgenographically.

What is tumoral calcinosis?

Tumoral calcinosis (TC) is a rare clinical and histopathologic syndrome characterized by calcium salt deposition in different peri-articular soft tissue regions[1,2].

What does calcinosis mean?

Dystrophic calcinosis is the abnormal collection of calcium salts in or under the skin and in muscles or tendons, even when levels of calcium in the blood are normal.

What causes calcinosis cutis in dogs?

In dogs, the most common cause of metastatic calcinosis cutis is the overproduction of corticosteroids, a type of hormone produced by the adrenal glands.

Which organ is metastatic calcification typically associated with?

Typical locations for metastatic calcification include the lungs (metastatic pulmonary calcification) and kidneys but the condition can also occur in the liver and heart.

Is tumoral calcinosis painful?

Tumoral calcinosis is a familial condition characterized by solitary or multiple painless, periarticular masses.

What causes calcinosis Circumscripta?

Calcinosis circumscripta is the result of deposition of calcium salts in the subcutaneous tissue. The inciting cause is not completely understood but is thought to be due to chronic trauma/irritation as the lesions tend to occur over pressure points or at sites of previous trauma.

How do you treat calcinosis?

Calcinosis Cutis Treatment

  1. Blood thinners, like warfarin.
  2. Antibiotics, like ceftriaxone and minocycline.
  3. Blood plasma therapy ( intravenous immunoglobin)
  4. Calcium channel blockers, like diltiazem‌
  5. Bisphosphonates.
  6. Kidney medications, like probenecid.
  7. Antacids, like aluminum hydroxide.
  8. Topical sodium thiosulfate.

What autoimmune disease causes calcinosis?

It is commonly associated with autoimmune connective tissue diseases and can be a source of pain and functional disability. The likelihood of developing calcinosis varies among the autoimmune connective tissue diseases, with systemic sclerosis and dermatomyositis being the most commonly associated.

How do you test for calcinosis?

Diagnosis of calcinosis cutis blood tests to see if your calcium and phosphate levels are abnormally high, to look for markers for lupus and possible tumors, and to rule out abnormal parathyroid and vitamin D levels. metabolic tests to rule out kidney problems.