Users' questions

What did Paul Erdos discover?

What did Paul Erdos discover?

Erdos was 20, he made his mark as a mathematician, discovering an elegant proof for a famous theorem in number theory. The theorem, Chebyshev’s theorem, says that for each number greater than one, there is always at least one prime number between it and its double.

Who contributed to discrete mathematics?

The beginning of Combinatorics as we know it today started with the work of Pascal and De Moivre in the 17th century, and continued in the 18th century with the seminal ideas of Euler in Graph Theory, with his work on partitions and their enumeration, and with his interest in latin squares.

Who is the most prolific mathematician?

Leonhard Euler (1707- 1783) The most prolific mathematician of all time, publishing close to 900 books.

Who published the most mathematical papers?

Erdős wrote around 1,500 mathematical articles in his lifetime, mostly co-written. He had 509 direct collaborators; these are the people with Erdős number 1.

What did Paul Erdos contribute to mathematics?

Erdős pursued and proposed problems in discrete mathematics, graph theory, number theory, mathematical analysis, approximation theory, set theory, and probability theory. Much of his work centered around discrete mathematics, cracking many previously unsolved problems in the field.

How is discrete mathematics relevant to the world of mathematics and in particular to us?

Discrete math is very much “real world” mathematics. By contrast, discrete math, in particular counting and probability, allows students—even at the middle-school level—to very quickly explore non-trivial “real world” problems that are challenging and interesting.

Which country has the most mathematicians?

1 USA 65,830 268,096 4.07 2 FRANCE 22,796 76,515 3.36 3 GERMANY 18,730 64,155 3.43 4 PEOPLES R CHINA 22,200 50,674 2.28 5 ENGLAND 11,618 46,429 4 What’s Hot in…