Useful tips

What are good couples questions?

What are good couples questions?

100 Thought-Provoking Questions for Couples

  • Who was your first crush, and what were they like?
  • Can you describe what your first heartbreak was like?
  • What was the biggest lesson from your worst breakup?
  • What’s something you used to believe about relationships, but no longer do?

What are some good relationship questions?

53 Relationship Questions That Will Make Your Love Life Better

  • What was your first impression about your partner?
  • What did you like or love about your partner?
  • How did the relationship start?
  • Do you still like what you loved about your partner and why?
  • Are you happy with the intimacy you share?

What do couples talk at night?

“Some couples like to talk about their feelings, hopes, desires, and their love for one another before they go to sleep,” says Robert Weiss, LCSW, CSAT-S over email. “This helps them build trust with each other and to feel safe and connected.”

What are some juicy questions to ask your boyfriend?

Sexy Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

  • What’s one thing you want me to do to you that I haven’t done?
  • Have you ever just wanted to tear my clothes off?
  • What’s your favorite thing to do to me?
  • What’s your favorite sex position with me?
  • How do you want me to touch you?
  • What color underwear do you like the most on me?

How can I spice up my relationship over text?

Talk about that thing he did to you last night that you loved. Text what you want to do to him when you see him next or what you are dying for him to do to you. Talk about how your salad came with a really big cucumber and you thought of him. Be bold, be blunt, and be bad.

How do I keep my relationship fresh?

That’s why it’s so important to make an effort to keep a relationship fresh and exciting even after many years.

  1. Fit a date night into the routine.
  2. Turn off your phone.
  3. Book a vacation together.
  4. Set aside time for yourself.
  5. Try something new together.
  6. Say “Thank You”
  7. Focus on the positive.
  8. Go to bed together.