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What is the meaning of the joint-stock company?

What is the meaning of the joint-stock company?

Definition of joint-stock company : a company or association consisting of individuals organized to conduct a business for gain and having a joint stock of capital represented by shares owned individually by the members and transferable without the consent of the group.

What is a joint-stock company in history?

joint-stock company, a forerunner of the modern corporation that was organized for undertakings requiring large amounts of capital. Money was raised by selling shares to investors, who became partners in the venture.

What is joint-stock company Class 11?

A joint stock company is an organisation which is owned jointly by all its shareholders. Each joint stock company share is transferable, and if the company is public, then its shares are marketed on registered stock exchanges. Private joint stock company shares can be transferred from one party to another party.

What is joint-stock company PDF?

A joint stock company is a company whose capital is divided into shares and the liability of whose shareholders is limited to the par value of the shares respectively held by them. The members of a joint stock company must not be less than three. ARTICLE 4.

What is a joint stock company indicate the main features of a company?

Features of a Joint Stock Company – 8 Features: Artificial Person, Separate Legal Entity, Formation, Perpetual Succession, Control, Liability, Common Seal and Risk Bearing.

What do you mean by stock company?

: a company whose ownership is divided into shares that can be bought and sold.

What is joint-stock company discuss its main characteristics?

It has a separate legal entity apart from its members. A company acts independently of its members. The company is not bound by the acts of its members and members do not act as agents of the company. A person can own its shares and can be its creditor too.

What is a joint-stock company indicate the main features of a company?

What is joint stock company Class 12?

A joint stock company refers to an organisation wherein a group of persons forms an association to perform business activities together. It is a separate entity that is managed by a group of members known as the board of directors.

What is joint stock company Slideshare?

 A JSC is a type of corporation or partnership involving two or more individuals that own shares of stock in the company.  Certificates of ownership (“shares”) are issued by the company in return for each financial contribution.

What is the difference between company and joint stock company?

A corporation exists under a state charter, while a joint stock company is formed by an agreement among the members. While members of a corporation are generally not held liable for debts of a corporation, the members of a joint stock company are held liable as partners.

What are five characteristics of joint stock company?

Features of a Joint Stock Company – Artificial Person, Separate Legal Existence, Legal Formation, Voluntary Organisation, Perpetual Succession, Large Capital and a Few Others.