Users' questions

What are some of the symptoms of exposure to Stachybotrys?

What are some of the symptoms of exposure to Stachybotrys?

Commonly reported respiratory tract symptoms include nasal irritation, burning and congestion, cough, wheezing, chest tightness and dyspnea. Central nervous system manifestations include headache, irritability, lightheadedness, sleeping difficulty, concentration problems and mental fatigue.

Does black mold release carbon monoxide?

House mold consumes oxygen and releases carbon dioxide (CO2). Paul Armstrong, a researcher with the USDA, “As mold grows, it gives off carbon dioxide. Therefore, if there is a CO2 spike, there is likely an increase of mold activity.”

What are the health symptoms of black mold exposure?

Symptoms of Black Mold Exposure

  • Coughing.
  • Postnasal drip.
  • Sneezing.
  • Dry, scaly skin.
  • Itchy eyes, nose, or throat.
  • Nasal congestion.

What does Stachybotrys smell like?

A musty, earthy smell, like dirt and rotting leaves, is a telltale sign of mold’s presence. Stachybotrys smells especially strong. All molds need food, water and a dark, stagnant environment with temperatures that neither freeze nor boil to grow.

What kills Stachybotrys chartarum?

Using vinegar and borax, mix a cup of borax in a gallon of water, and then add a cup of vinegar. This solution kills mold on contact, whether you spray it or use it as a scrubbing solution. Tea tree oil or even vodka are also effective ingredients to try when killing mold.

Can mold make you sick symptoms?

Symptoms of mold exposure may include headache, sore throat, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, watery eyes and fatigue. In those with asthma, asthma attacks can occur. In those with impaired immune systems, serious infection can occur.

What do you do if you inhale black mold?

Options include:

  1. avoiding the allergen whenever possible.
  2. a nasal rinse, to flush mold spores out of the nose.
  3. antihistamines, to stop a runny nose, sneezing, and itchiness.
  4. decongestant nasal sprays, a short term remedy for congestion.
  5. nasal corticosteroids, to reduce inflammation.
  6. oral decongestants, to reduce congestion.

Can black mold cause neurological symptoms?

Human exposure to molds, mycotoxins, and water-damaged buildings can cause neurologic and neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms.

Does mold make you tired?

Exposure to mold can cause you to feel very tired for many reasons. Respiratory problems like pneumonia can actually limit the amount of oxygen you can take in, which makes you feel tired. Symptoms like coughing and wheezing can keep you awake at night, causing you to feel tired the next day.

Will mold exposure show up in bloodwork?

How are mold allergies and exposure diagnosed? There are no proven tests that show when or where you may have been exposed to mold. But your doctor may check for mold allergies by reviewing your symptoms and performing one of the following tests: Blood test.