
What is NIST SP 800-60?

What is NIST SP 800-60?

Publication (SP) 800-60 has been developed to assist Federal government agencies to categorize information and information systems. 1.1 Purpose and Applicability NIST SP 800-60 addresses the FISMA direction to develop guidelines recommending the types of information and information systems to be included in each category of potential security

What are the sections of SP 800-60?

Sections 4.2.1 through 4.2.3 of this guideline provide assistance to agencies in assigning provisional security categories to agency-identified information types and information systems. Additionally, SP 800-60 provides a management and support sub function, General Information

What does SP 800-60 say about provisional security categories?

Sections 4.2.1 through 4.2.3 of this guideline provide assistance to agencies in assigning provisional security categories to agency-identified information types and information systems. Additionally, SP 800-60 provides a

When does a system need to be disconnected under FIPS 199?

If the system was categorized based on FIPS 199 at a Moderate overall impact level but the system owner has determined it needs to be operational within 4-8 hours of a disruption irrespective of the aggregated information type availability security impact level assigned, then there is a disconnect that might