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Does myosin polymerize?

Does myosin polymerize?

Muscle myosins polymerize into thick filaments that drive muscle contraction by interaction with actin thin filaments. The details of muscle myosin polymerization into thick filaments are not known.

What does the myosin tail do?

Myosin II is a motor protein with two heads and an extended tail that plays an essential role in cell motility. Its active form is a polymer (myosin filament) that pulls on actin to generate motion.

How does myosin filament work?

Myosin is a type of molecular motor and converts chemical energy released from ATP into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is then used to pull the actin filaments along, causing muscle fibers to contract and, thus, generating movement.

Does myosin interact with tropomyosin?

Tropomyosin-Troponin Interactions—the “Functional Group” of the Thin Filament. In the absence of Ca2+, tropomyosin is bound in a position along the actin filament that blocks its interaction with myosin. When Ca2+ binds to the troponin complex, the tropomyosin shifts from its original position along the actin (eFig.

How is myosin released from actin?

ATP binding causes myosin to release actin, allowing actin and myosin to detach from each other. The enzyme at the binding site on myosin is called ATPase. The energy released during ATP hydrolysis changes the angle of the myosin head into a “cocked” position.

How does myosin bind to actin?

Myosin binds to actin at a binding site on the globular actin protein. Myosin has another binding site for ATP at which enzymatic activity hydrolyzes ATP to ADP, releasing an inorganic phosphate molecule and energy. ATP binding causes myosin to release actin, allowing actin and myosin to detach from each other.

How do troponin and tropomyosin regulate the interaction between myosin and actin?

Troponin, which regulates the tropomyosin, is activated by calcium, which is kept at extremely low concentrations in the sarcoplasm. If present, calcium ions bind to troponin, causing conformational changes in troponin that allow tropomyosin to move away from the myosin-binding sites on actin.