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Where is E-box located?

Where is E-box located?

An E-box (enhancer box) is a DNA response element found in some eukaryotes that acts as a protein-binding site and has been found to regulate gene expression in neurons, muscles, and other tissues.

What is consensus sequence in E-box?

Later the name E-box, (with “E” for enhancer), was used as a common term for all motifs with the consensus sequence “CANNTG” and in 1989 the first two E-box binding proteins, E12 and E47, were identified. Both bind their recognition site as dimers, and dimerization is promoted by the helix-loop-helix (HLH) domain.

Where is the activator binding site?

Most activators bind to the major grooves of the double helix, as these areas tend to be wider, but there are some that will bind to the minor grooves. Activator-binding sites may be located very close to the promoter or numerous base pairs away.

What are G box elements?

The G-box (CACGTG) is a ubiquitous, cis-acting DNA regulatory element found in plant genomes. Proteins known as G-box factors (GBFs) bind to G-boxes in a context-specific manner, mediating a wide variety of gene expression patterns.

Where is the TATA box located in a eukaryotic promoter?

The TATA-box, found commonly in eukaryotic promoters, is typically a T/A-rich sequence, located about 25 to 30 bp upstream of the transcription start site.

What are activators and repressors?

A regulator protein that turns genes ON when it binds DNA is called an “activator protein,” and a regulator protein that turns genes OFF when it binds DNA is a “repressor protein.”

Where are pribnow boxes found?

The Pribnow box is found in the prokaryotes and the TATA box is found in eukaryotes and archaea. TATA box has an essential function in the initiation of the eukaryotic transcription process.

What is Pribnow box and where is it located?

The Pribnow box (also known as the Pribnow-Schaller box) is a sequence of TATAAT of six nucleotides (thymine, adenine, thymine, etc.) It is also commonly called the -10 sequence, because it is centered roughly ten base pairs upstream from the site of initiation of transcription. …