Useful tips

What does Feg mean in texting?

What does Feg mean in texting?

something of negligible value; jot. I don’t care a fig for your opinion. 6. Also: feg dialect.

What means N.B. in chat?

“Not Bad” is the most common definition for NB on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. NB. Definition: Not Bad.

What is the meaning of Heg?


Acronym Definition
HEG Higher Education Grant (various locations)
HEG Homogeneous Electron Gas
HEG Hemoencephalograph
HEG Head-End Gateway

What does N.B. mean in kink?

In the LGBTQ community, an enby is a nonbinary person. It’s a phonetic pronunciation of NB, short for nonbinary, or people who do not identify their gender as male or female.

What mean NBA?

National Basketball Association
NBA/Full name

What does HRG stand for?


Acronym Definition
HRG Human Rights Group (various organizations)
HRG Healthcare Resource Group (UK)
HRG Histidine-Rich Glycoprotein
HRG High Risk Group

What is the meaning of Hej?

Hej, pronounced like English ‘hey’, is the Swedish word for ‘hello’ or ‘hi’, an alternative for hallå (hello) or goddag (good day).

What does Afab mean?

assigned female/male at birth
AFAB and AMAB: Acronyms meaning “assigned female/male at birth” (also designated female/male at birth or female/male assigned at birth). No one, whether cis or trans, gets to choose what sex they’re assigned at birth.

What does NMK stand for?


Acronym Definition
NMK New Media Knowledge (UK)
NMK Natural Multimedia Keyboard
NMK Network Management Knowledge
NMK National Museums of Kenya (also seen as NMKE)

What means WNBA?

The Women’s National Basketball Association, or WNBA, is a professional basketball league comprised of 12 teams featuring the best women’s basketball players in the world.

What does NBA mean on Instagram?

“National Basketball Association” is the most common definition for NBA on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. NBA.