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Can congenital melanocytic nevus be cancerous?

Can congenital melanocytic nevus be cancerous?

Most congenital nevi usually do not cause health problems, but a small percentage may develop into skin cancer (melanoma) later in life.

What does a giant congenital melanocytic nevus look like?

A congenital pigmented or melanocytic nevus is a dark-colored, often hairy, patch of skin. It is present at birth or appears in the first year of life. A giant congenital nevus is smaller in infants and children, but it usually continues to grow as the child grows.

Is melanocytic nevus melanoma?

Melanocytic nevi, if diagnosed properly, are biologically stable, completely benign lesions. However, melanocytic nevi can be found in association with melanoma.

How common is CMN?

Small to medium CMN are predicted to occur in more than one in a hundred births. Large and especially giant CMN, exceeding a predicted diameter at adult age of at least 20 cm on the body, form a much rarer subset, with prevalence estimated at around 1 in 50,000 births.

How rare is giant congenital melanocytic nevus?

Giant congenital melanocytic nevus occurs in approximately 1 in 20,000 newborns worldwide.

Can a nevus become malignant?

A small percentage of dysplastic nevi may develop into melanomas. But most dysplastic nevi never become cancer, and many melanomas seem to arise without a pre-existing dysplastic nevus.

Should melanocytic nevus be removed?

to the editor: In the article on newborn skin, the authors recommend removal of large and giant congenital melanocytic nevi as the current management strategy. In fact, complete nevus removal is impossible for many large nevi and virtually all giant nevi.

Does melanocytic nevus go away?

Congenital melanocytic nevi do not go away with time. Some congenital melanocytic nevi may get lighter in color over the first few years of life.

Can a CMN be removed?

Large or giant CMN often require multiple stages of surgery to remove as much of the affected skin as possible. These are usually done through a process called tissue expansion. CMN can also be lightened with laser therapy or chemical peels. However, these treatments may not be permanent.

What does a congenital mole look like?

A congenital nevus looks like a round or oval-shaped patch of colored skin and is usually raised. They can be either a single color or multi-colored. They can vary in size from a tiny spot to something that covers a large part of your body. In some cases, they might have hair growing out of them.

What is melanocytic nevus and how to treat it?

Melanocytic nevi are benign neoplasms or hamartomas composed of melanocytes, the pigment-producing cells that constitutively colonize the epidermis. Melanocytes are derived from the neural crest and migrate during embryogenesis to selected ectodermal sites (primarily the skin and the CNS), but also to the eyes and the ears.

How do you get rid of intradermal nevus?

Examine the lesion in bright light,preferably daylight if available.

  • Use drawings or photography to note the site (s),size and pigmentation of the lesion.
  • Establish that the lesion has the typical pattern of pigmentation and is raised from the level of the skin.
  • Is it possible to remove a congenital hairy nevus?

    Some alternatives to surgery include: Dermabrasion. This treatment uses a wire brush or diamond wheel to remove layers of skin. While it won’t completely remove a congenital nevus, it can lighten its appearance. However, it can also leave scarring. Dermabrasion is most effective when done in the first six weeks of life.

    Is melanocytic nevus benign or malignant?

    Melanocytic Nevi. Nevi, or moles, are benign tumors composed of nevus cells that are derived from melanocytes. Many myths surround moles, for example, that hairs should not be plucked from moles or that moles should not be removed or disturbed.