Users' questions

What is BRAW in Scottish?

What is BRAW in Scottish?

Definition of braw 1 chiefly Scotland : good, fine. 2 chiefly Scotland : well dressed.

What is the meaning of BRAW in English?

braw in American English (brɔ, brɑː) adjective Scot & Northern English. 1. fine or fine-looking; excellent.

Where does BRAW come from?

Early usage of the word in literature can be traced to 1615, in A Chronicle of The Kings of Scotland (“cumlie yowth of braw statour”). Initially referring to an impressive physical appearance, the word has latterly become an umbrella term for a compliment of someone’s appearance or character (eg.

What do Scots call boys?

laddie – A boy or young man (Aye, laddie!)

How do you say shut up in Scottish?

Wheesht is the equivalent of “shut up.” “Gies peace man, wheesht.”

What does brah mean in Scottish?

Second Definition for BRAH

Definition: Great (from the Scottish “BRAW”)
Type: Word
Guessability: 2: Quite easy to guess
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers

Who said brah?

One of the most common Hawaiian pidgin terms is that of brah, meaning “brother”. And, as you might’ve guessed, a brah doesn’t have to be your brother by blood.

What do Scottish people call their girlfriend?

Hen– being perhaps the most widely recognised. Not to be confused with the feathery fowl, but instead referring to a female, often a younger lady, used as a scottish term of endearment, much like honey or sweetheart might be used further South.

What does Wee Barra mean?

In Glasgow-speak a ‘Wee Barra’ is usually used to refer to a small person who people like, Bobby Collins might not have been liked by all, and certainly not by all opponents or opposition fans. But he was the type of player you wanted on your team.

What are Scottish insults?

We take a look at some very Scottish insults, let us know if we’ve missed any off the list:

  • Awa’ n bile yer heid – Get lost.
  • Bampot – Idiot.
  • Boggin – foul-smelling.
  • Bowfin – unpleasant.
  • Clipe “Don’t be a wee clipe” – tattle-tale, snitch.
  • Doaty – Stupid, simple.
  • Dobber – Idiot, jerk.
  • Doolally – Not the full shilling.