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How can I solve my birthday problem?

How can I solve my birthday problem?

The first person covers one possible birthday, so the second person has a 364/365 chance of not sharing the same day. We need to multiply the probabilities of the first two people and subtract from one. For the third person, the previous two people cover two dates.

How do you calculate the probability of the same birthday?

If you multiply 99.726027 percent by 99.726027 253 times, or calculate (364/365)253, you’ll find there’s a 49.952 percent chance that all 253 comparisons contain no matches. Consequently, the odds that there is a birthday match in those 253 comparisons is 1 – 49.952 percent = 50.048 percent, or just over half!

How many people do you need in a room to have a 99.9% probability that two people will share the same birthday?

23 people. In a room of just 23 people there’s a 50-50 chance of at least two people having the same birthday. In a room of 75 there’s a 99.9% chance of at least two people matching.

What is the probability that 3 persons have same birthday?

Then this approximation gives (F(2))365≈0.3600, and therefore the probability of three or more people all with the same birthday is approximately 0.6400.

How do you say happy birthday in mathematics?

Originally Answered: How can I say happy birthday to a mathematician? On chocolate birthday cake with chocolate frosting, write using contrasting icing: “Haπ birthday!” (All the mathematicians I know would appreciate you saying happy birthday using a chocolate cake.

How do you simulate the birthday problem?

The simulation

  1. Pick a random person and ask their birthday.
  2. Check to see if someone else has given you that answer.
  3. Repeat step 1 and 2 until a birthday is said twice.
  4. Count the number of people that were asked and call that n.

What is the probability that 2 friends have same birthday?

What’s the chance that two people share the same birthday? The first person can be born on any day of the year, this means that the probability is 365/365 = 1. The second person has to be born on the same day as the first and there is a 1/365 chance of that happening.

What is the probability that 2 randomly chosen people share a birthday?

If one person is randomly selected from the set of all persons, the probability of a second person sharing the same birthday is 1/365, or 0.274%. If a date is selected, say January 1, the probability of randomly selecting two persons sharing the same January 1 birthday is 1/365 x 1/365, or 0.000751%.

What is empirical probability formula?

What is the empirical probability formula? To calculate the empirical probability of an event or outcome occurring, you can use the formula: P(E) = (number of times an event occurs) ÷ (total number of trials)