
How cold does it get in Inverness Scotland?

How cold does it get in Inverness Scotland?

32°F to 65°F
In Inverness, the summers are cool; the winters are long, very cold, and windy; and it is mostly cloudy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 32°F to 65°F and is rarely below 22°F or above 72°F.

How cold is the North of Scotland?

Winters in Scotland have an average low of around 0 °C (32 °F), with summer maximum temperatures averaging 15–17 °C (59–63 °F).

What month is the coldest in Scotland?

December, January and February are generally the coldest months in Scotland, with the average maximum temperature usually around 5°C (41°F). The average number of days with snow falling in Scotland ranges from 15 to 20 days.

Is October a good month to visit Scotland?

The best time to visit Scotland is during spring (late March to May) and fall (September to November). Early to mid-November can be a wonderful time to see Scotland’s glorious fall foliage. However, many sites close for winter from mid-October.

Is Inverness worth visiting?

Inverness is the Capital of the Scottish Highlands and often used as a gateway to popular destinations like the NC500 or the Isle of Skye. But the city of Inverness itself is also worth a visit. Plan to spend at least a day here at the beginning or end of your trip.

Does Inverness get snow?

Winter in Inverness Whilst we do get snow, don’t expect this to be the norm! Mostly winter is crisp or wet… with the occasional day here and there of snow. If you do want to see snow however, our hills are likely to give you some luck! The days are short in winter.

What month has the best weather in Scotland?

Where is this? The best time to visit Scotland is during spring (late March to May) and fall (September to November). Temperatures are warmer by spring, with averages of 43°F-59°F, although there will still be snow in the mountains of the Highlands and the Cairngorms.

Which Scottish island has the best weather?

Thanks to the mild influence of the Gulf Stream, Tiree is the Sunshine Isle, basking in more hours of annual sunlight than just about any other location in the British Isles.