
When should you use GUID?

When should you use GUID?

A GUID is a “Globally Unique IDentifier”. You use it anywhere that you need an identifier that guaranteed to be different than every other. GUIDs are generally used when you will be defining an ID that must be different from an ID that someone else (outside of your control) will be defining.

Should I use GUID as primary key?

The purpose of the primary key is to uniquely identify every row in the table. So, there is no problem in having the GUID as a primary key. However, as we saw earlier, creating just the primary key by default also creates a unique clustered index unless otherwise mentioned.

Should I use GUID as id?

GUIDs may seem to be a natural choice for your primary key – and if you really must, you could probably argue to use it for the PRIMARY KEY of the table. What I’d strongly recommend not to do is use the GUID column as the clustering key, which SQL Server does by default, unless you specifically tell it not to.

Are GUIDs slow?

The use of a GUID to locate a record versus an integer is slightly slower. Unless you have a very high throughput application, these are probably not important considerations.

Should I use GUID or int?

int is smaller, faster, easy to remember, keeps a chronological sequence. And as for Guid , the only advantage I found is that it is unique. In which case a Guid would be better than and int and why? From what I’ve seen, int has no flaws except by the number limit, which in many cases are irrelevant.

Can you index a GUID?

Yes, a non-clustered index would be ideal for your situation. The underlying is a B-tree, like the clustered index, but the underlying data on the table is not sorted, so the problems with the non-sequential nature of the GUID does not exist. The NC index exist separately from the table.

How GUID is stored in SQL Server?

There are two functions using which you can create GUIDs in SQL Server – NewID and NewSequentialID. And there’s a data type – “uniqueidentifier” which can be used to store GUIDs. It stores a 16-btye binary value.

Is GUID incremental?

4 Answers. Note it wraps around to Guid. Empty if you manage to increment it that far. It would be more efficient if you were to keep incrementing a single copy of bytes rather than calling ToByteArray on each GUID in turn.

Can a GUID collide?

Random GUIDs cannot ever collide with other types of RFC 4122 GUIDs (e.g., time-based GUIDs). This is because the Variant or Version fields would be set to different values. However, non-conforming GUIDs may collide with random GUIDs.