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How do I remove Text from a cell in Excel but keep the numbers?

How do I remove Text from a cell in Excel but keep the numbers?

1. Select the cells you need to remove texts and keep numbers only, then click Kutools > Text > Remove Characters. 2. In the Remove Characters dialog box, only check the Non-numeric box, and then click the OK button.

How do I remove numbers before a number in Excel?

Select a blank cell you will return the text string without letters, and enter the formula =StripChar(A2) (A2 is the cell that you will remove letters from) into it, and drag the Fill Handle down to the range as you need.

How do I separate Numbers and names in Excel?

Split text and numbers

  1. Generic formula. =MIN(FIND({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},A1&”0123456789″))
  2. To separate text and numbers, you can use a formula based on the FIND function, the MIN function, and the LEN function with the LEFT or RIGHT function, depending on whether you want to extract the text or the number.
  3. Overview.

How do I separate Numbers and Text in Excel VBA?

2. Building The Sheet

  1. Building The Sheet. Design your layout. Create 3 columns – Raw Data, Number, Text.
  2. Enter VBA code.
  3. Using the VBA code. In the first row of your Number column, add in the formula – =NUMBERVALUE(Strip(A2,TRUE)) In the first row of your Text column, add in the formula – =Strip(A2,FALSE)

How do I remove the first two numbers in Excel?

The “YY” part of the formula is the cell location, “1” indicates the first character in the cell, “X” is the number of characters to remove, and “” indicates the replacement value. So if you wanted to remove the first two characters in cell A1, then the formula would be =REPLACE(A1, 1, 2, “”).

How do I remove two digit numbers in Excel?

How to Trim the Last Digit Off a Number in Excel 2013

  1. Open the spreadsheet.
  2. Select the cell to display the number with the removed digit.
  3. Type the =LEFT(A1, LEN(A1)-1) formula but replace A1 with the correct cell number.
  4. Press the Enter key to execute the formula.

How do I remove the first 5 numbers in Excel?

How to delete first 5 characters in Excel

  1. Copy and paste the following formula =RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-5) in an empty cell.
  2. Click enter.
  3. The word level contains 5 characters and they have all been eliminated.

How do I remove the first two digits of a number in Excel?