Users' questions

What was the weather today in Conwy?

What was the weather today in Conwy?

Seven day forecast for Conwy

Time 00:00 21:00
Temperature in degrees Celsius
Feels like temperature °C
Feels like temperature in degrees Celsius
Wind direction and speed mph Choose wind speed units mph km/h knots m/s Beaufort

What was the temperature in north Wales today?

Upcoming 5 hours

Now 11:00 pm 2:00 am
45 °F 44 °F 43 °F

How many inches of snow did North Wales get?

Climate Averages

North Wales, Pennsylvania United States
Snowfall 22.2 in. 27.8 in.
Precipitation 104.0 days 106.2 days
Sunny 207 days 205 days
Avg. July High 84.7° 85.8°

What is the weather like in Wales in September?

Wales in September is experiencing low temperatures as 55°F and high of 68°F. You can expect rain for roughly half of the month of September in Wales. Our weather forecast can give you a great sense of what weather to expect in Wales in September 2022.

What time is high tide at Conwy?

Tides for 2022-01-26

Type of tide Time (GMT) Height (metres)
High 04:27 6.6
Low 11:08 2.4
High 16:50 6.9
Low 23:54 2.2

What county is Conwy in?

Conwy, also called Conway, town, Conwy county borough, historic county of Caernarvonshire (Sir Gaernarfon), northwestern Wales. The town lies on the west bank of the River Conwy’s estuary, near the river’s mouth on Conwy Bay of the Irish Sea. It is the administrative centre of the county borough.

Where is the warmest place in Wales?

The warm weather comes early in places like Pembrokeshire, which is why it provides the first new season potatoes around the UK. Dale, in the far west, is one of the sunniest places in Britain with over 1,800 hours of sunshine a year.

Does North Wales have snow?

The region has a temperate maritime climate with typically warm rather than hot summers and cool to cold winters. North Wales rarely experiences very extreme weather meaning North Wales can be visited throughout the year. The region may experience some snowfall in the winter.

Is Wales getting warmer?

The biggest change is during the winter months, which have become milder by as much as 2°C in the east. Springs and summers are now generally about 1-1.5°C warmer across central and eastern Wales, with smaller changes in west Wales.

Is the tide out in Conwy?

Tidal information supplied by the UK Hydrographic Office….Tides for 2022-02-08.

Type of tide Time (GMT) Height (metres)
High 03:31 6.5
Low 10:18 2.5
High 15:50 6.7
Low 22:50 2.5

What time does tide come in Wales?

Tidal information supplied by the UK Hydrographic Office….Tides for 2022-02-10.

Type of tide Time (GMT) Height (metres)
High 13:19 8.8
Low 19:17 4.1