
How do I log into Office 365 as an administrator?

How do I log into Office 365 as an administrator?

To get to the Microsoft 365 admin center, go to or, if you’re already signed in, select the app launcher, and choose Admin.

How do I log into admin center?

Sign in to your Admin console

  1. In any web browser, go to
  2. Starting from the sign-in page, enter the email address and password for your admin account (it does not end in If you forgot your password, see Reset your administrator password.

How do I create an admin account in Office 365?

Creating an Office 365 Global Admin Account

  1. Go to the Admin section.
  2. In the Office 365 menu, select USERS > Active Users.
  3. Click the “+” button on the Active Users dashboard.
  4. Fill in the dialog with the name and password you would like to use and click Create.
  5. After the account creation has completed, close the dialog.

How do I open Microsoft admin team center?

You can access the Microsoft Teams admin center by following these steps.

  1. Visit the Microsoft 365 admin center.
  2. Click sign in at the top right.
  3. Sign in with your admin account.
  4. In the column on the left, scroll down to the Admin Centers section.
  5. Click Teams to access the Microsoft Teams admin center.

How do I open Microsoft Admin team center?

How do I find out who my Office 365 Admin is?

Checking Admin Access: You can check whether you have admin access in your Microsoft 365 account by going to the URL –

How do I check admin roles in Office 365 PowerShell?

To get the default Office 365 admin role member, we have two methods.

  1. Admin center: You can use either Azure Active Directory admin center or Microsoft 365 admin center.
  2. PowerShell: Get-MsolRole and Get-MsolRoleMember cmdlets will give Administrators and Azure active directory Administrator Roles details.

How do I make someone an admin in SharePoint 365?

To do this:

  1. Navigate to the root of a site collection (the most top level site)
  2. Click on Gear Icon > Site Settings.
  3. Under Users and Permissions, click on Site collection administrators.
  4. Add users in the window, click OK.

What does an Office 365 administrator do?

Groups admins can: Create, edit, delete, and restore Microsoft 365 groups. Create and update group creation, expiration, and naming policies. Create, edit, delete, and restore Azure Active Directory security groups.