
What are some popular acronyms?

What are some popular acronyms?

Popular Acronym Examples

  • AIDS – Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
  • ASAP – As Soon As Possible.
  • AWOL – Absent Without Official Leave (or Absent Without Leave)
  • IMAX – Image Maximum.
  • LASER – Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
  • PIN – Personal Identification Number.
  • RADAR – Radio Detection and Ranging.

What is the acronym for year end?


Acronym Definition
Y/E Year End

Why are acronyms so popular?

Today, acronyms are used for a variety of purposes. Government agencies often use them to make their names more easily recognizable, as do private organizations. Acronyms are so common, in fact, that often people recognize the concept without knowing what all of the letters stand for.

Is Eoy end-of-year?

End-of-year (EOY) is a term used in business terminology when referring to deadlines that are to be met by the end of a year. EOY deadlines are particularly relevant to the sales and accounting branches of businesses.

Is SWAT an acronym?

According to the Historical Dictionary of Law Enforcement, the term “SWAT” was used as an acronym for the “Special Weapons and Tactics” established as a 100-man specialized unit in 1964 by the Philadelphia Police Department in response to an alarming increase in bank robberies.

Why are people obsessed with acronyms?

The main reason that people give for using acronyms and abbreviations is that it’s quicker than saying or writing it in full. So, if someone uses an acronym or abbreviation — ask what it means. Every time.

Are acronyms good for business?

Businesses should use acronyms sparingly as the excessive use of acronyms, like jargon, can confuse and alienate customers. If your business operates in an environment with many acronyms in regular use – such as information technology – you should always attempt to explain what the acronyms stand for before using them.

What does Eoy mean in Crypto?

EOY Per Share Value means the Equity Value divided by Fully Diluted Shares.

What is EOM and Eoy?

EOM = end of (the) month; see 12 period method. EOP = end of (the standard accounting) period; see 13 period method. EOQ = end of (the) quarter; see 4 period method. EOY = end of (the) year; see 1 period method.

What is FBI short for?

The FBI stands for Federal Bureau of Investigation. “Federal” refers to the national government of the United States.

What is the acronym of GIF?

GIF, in full graphics interchange format, digital file format devised in 1987 by the Internet service provider CompuServe as a means of reducing the size of images and short animations.