Users' questions

What is a Rearing kit?

What is a Rearing kit?

qc-100 Complete Queen Rearing Kit This system eliminates the process of grafting by having the queen lay directly in the cell cup. This system allows you to raise up to 110 queens at one time. All components are reusable except brown cell cups. Reusing cell cups greatly diminishes the acceptance rate. $104.95.

Is a piece of equipment used by beekeepers to raise large numbers of queen honeybees?

The hive is the man-made structure used by beekeepers for keeping honey bees. It is usually made of wood, however, it can also be made of plastic, polystyrene, or any other material.

What is a queen rearing kit?

Nicot queen rearing kit eliminates the process of grafting by having the queen lay directly in the cell cup. This system allows you to raise up to 110 queens at one time. All components are reusable except brown cell cups. Reusing cell cups greatly diminishes the acceptance rate.

How do you use a jenter kit?

Put the Queen in the Jenter Box The face of the Jenter box has a circular opening with a removable door. Remove the door, put the queen into the box and replace the little door. Put the frame back into the hive and close it up. Take note of the time and the date.

What is the Jenter Queen system?

The Jenter Queen System is the easiest and best way to begin rearing the queens you always wanted to. It eliminates grafting and guesswork. A breeder queen is trapped in the plastic cell box placed in a frame and lays in plugs, which are removed and placed in a cup and plug holder to hang from your cell bar frame. Parts are reusable.

Where can I find a queen rearing class in June?

Betterbee typically offers a queen rearing class in June for beekeepers. We describe and demonstrate several methods of rearing queen bees, and show participants how to use queen rearing supplies.

What is a breeder Queen frame?

It eliminates grafting and guesswork. A breeder queen is trapped in the plastic cell box placed in a frame and lays in plugs, which are removed and placed in a cup and plug holder to hang from your cell bar frame. Parts are reusable. You will need to purchase frames with cell bars and protector cages separately, if desired.

What kind of tools do you need to raise queen bees?

You’ll find grafting and marking tools, queen cages, nuc boxes for mating, and more. Raise productive, disease-resistant, and winter-hearty queen bees for your local climate, with our superior-quality products.