
What are uterine anomalies?

What are uterine anomalies?

Uterine anomalies are congenital malformations of the female reproductive tract.

What is the most common Mullerian duct anomaly?

Bicornuate uterus (BU): This is the most common form of müllerian anomaly. Described as a womb with two horns. The womb is not pear-shaped, instead it is shaped like a heart, with a deep indentation at the top. This means that the baby has less space to grow than in a normally shaped womb.

What is heterogeneous enhancement of uterus?

Uterine enlargement is the most common CT feature of choriocarcinoma. After IV contrast media administration, uterine enhancement is heterogeneous with irregular hypodense regions within the myometrium, corresponding to hemorrhage or necrosis and dilated uterine and broad ligaments vessels [26].

What is Mullerian duct anomalies?

Müllerian duct anomalies (MDAs) are congenital entities that result from nondevelopment, defective vertical or lateral fusion, or resorption failure of the müllerian (paramesonephric) ducts. In females, when a müllerian duct becomes obstructed, the patient may present with an abdominal mass and dysmenorrhea.

How common is uterine anomalies?

Congenital uterine anomalies occur in less than 5% of all women, but have been noted in up to 25% of women who have had miscarriages and/or deliveries of premature babies. When a woman is in her mother’s womb, her uterus develops as two separate halves that fuse together before she is born.

How are uterine abnormalities diagnosed?

Multiple imaging modalities exist to diagnose the presence of uterine anomalies. These include 2-dimensional (2D) ultrasound, 3D transvaginal ultrasound, saline infusion sonohysterography (SIS), hysterosalpingography (HSG), diagnostic hysteroscopy, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Are uterine anomalies genetic?

Several genes have been identified in the abnormal and normal development of the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and vagina. Many anomalies are felt to be multifactorial; however there are case reports of familial inheritance suggesting that specific genetic mutations may cause these defects [1].

What does increased vascularity in uterus mean?

Enhanced myometrial vascularity (EMV): increased blood flow in the myometrium following and/or associated with an abnormal pregnancy. Peak systolic velocity (PSV): the maximum blood flow velocity within a blood vessel, obtained with color Doppler.

How is uterine anomaly diagnosed?

What causes uterine malformations?

What are Uterine Malformations? Uterine malformations occur due to a birth defect. In the womb, female infants develop two separate halves of their uterus that merge together before birth. If the two halves fail to merge completely, the woman may be born with a malformed uterus.

Which organ should the sonographer scan if uterine malformations are seen?

Check the position and size of the uterus, note its orientation and use 3D ultrasound to evaluate the contour and cavity. Then examine at the cervix. Sweep from right to left to look for any additional structures, such as a uterine horn or pelvic kidney.