Useful tips

How do I add another user field in WordPress?

How do I add another user field in WordPress?

Go to Settings » General page in your WordPress admin area and then check the membership box so anyone can register. You will need to make sure that the default role is set to the role which you have added extra fields for.

How do I add a custom field to a user registration form in WordPress?

To do that, go to Custom Fields » Add New. Then give your field group a name like “User Profile.” After that, click Add New to add a field to that group and enter the name and label details. When you’re happy with the details, click Publish to activate your custom field.

How do I add a custom field in WordPress without Plugin?

Step 1: Go to add a new post or edit a post, then click on Screen Options.

  1. The Edit Post screen in WordPress.
  2. Check the box “Custom Fields”
  3. The Custom Fields area.
  4. An example of saving the information about a product in custom fields.
  5. Add extra data into a custom field.
  6. Homepage after adding custom fields.

How do I create a custom user in WordPress?

Creating a New User Role

  1. After installing and activating this plugin navigate to wp-admin → Users → Add New Role.
  2. Enter the role title (e.g Comments Moderator)
  3. Select the capabilities for this new user role (e.g. moderate comments, read)
  4. Click on Add Role button.

How do I add a password field to my WordPress registration?

Here’s a short guide you can follow along to set a password field in your WordPress registration form:

  1. Install and Activate the User Registration Plugin.
  2. Allow Users to Register with a Front-end Form.
  3. Create a New User Registration Form with the Password Field.
  4. Configure the Registration Form Settings.

How do I add custom fields in WordPress programmatically?

Key Takeaways: Custom field data can be added to a post in the “Custom Fields” section of the Post Editor, or programmatically using update_post_meta() . update_post_meta() is also the function to change a custom field’s value for a specific post. Once stored, custom field data can be accessed using get_post_meta() .

How do I add a custom field image in WordPress?

Use A Custom Field Instead of Featured Image In WordPress

  1. Step 1: Create The Custom Field. The first step is creating the new Custom Field (see the codex if you are unfamiliar with custom fields).
  2. Step 2: Show New Custom Field Instead Of Featured Image.
  3. Step 3: Use The Custom Field In Your Posts.

Can a WordPress user have multiple roles?

Yes, WordPress allows this. You can do it in your code: $someone = new WP_User( $user_id ); $someone->add_role( ‘role-1’ ); $someone->add_role( ‘role-2’ ); You can also use a plugin such as Multiple Roles.

How do I change user roles in WordPress?

Add / Remove User Role Capabilities in WordPress Upon activation, you need to visit the Members » Roles page and click on the Edit link below the user role that you want to modify. This will open the user role editor where you will see different sections in the left column and available capabilities to the right.

How do I add a Confirm password field in WooCommerce registration form?

0 ) { return new WP_Error( ‘registration-error’, __( ‘Passwords do not match. ‘, ‘woocommerce’ ) ); } return $reg_errors; } add_action( ‘woocommerce_register_form’, ‘wc_register_form_password_repeat’ ); function wc_register_form_password_repeat() {?>