
What is tubular ectasia of the rete testis?

What is tubular ectasia of the rete testis?

Tubular ectasia of the rete testis is a benign clinical entity in which cystic dilation of rete testis results from partial or complete obliteration of the efferent ducts. These spermatozoa-containing cysts communicate with the tubular system into the epididymis.

What is the rete testis?

Listen to pronunciation. (REE-tee TES-tis) A network of small tubes in the testicle that helps move sperm cells (male reproductive cells) from the testicle to the epididymis. The epididymis is where the sperm mature and are stored.

What is tubular ectasia of the epididymis?

Methods: Tubular ectasia of the epididymis is defined as enlargement of the epididymis with multiple interfaces (i.e., a speckled appearance). We found 24 cases exhibiting tubular ectasia of the epididymis over a period of six years.

Is the rete testis a duct?

The human rete testis (RT) is a complex of ducts that drain the seminiferous tubules. The epithelium (E) of the rete is cuboidal.

What causes tubular ectasia of the epididymis?

Any obstruction of ductus deferens can cause slow progressive accumulation of sperms which raises pressure on tenuous tubules of the epididymis, leading to their dilatation and cystic change which is referred to as tubular ectasia. One of the most common causes of vas deferens obstruction is vasectomy.

What does epididymal cyst feel like?

A spermatocele (epididymal cyst) is a painless, fluid-filled cyst in the long, tightly coiled tube that lies above and behind each testicle (epididymis). The fluid in the cyst may contain sperm that are no longer alive. It feels like a smooth, firm lump in the scrotum on top of the testicle.

Is rete testis normal?

It is a rare benign entity having a typical sonographic appearance of cluster of small anechoic structures in the confluence of the mediastinum testis. It is usually asymptomatic and discovered incidentally on ultrasound.

What does the rete testis develop from?

Background: The rete testis connects seminiferous tubules of the testis with efferent ducts having a mesonephric origin. The development of the rete testis is insufficiently studied, but there is evidence suggesting that it originates from gonadal cells.

Do epididymal cysts hurt?

Epididymal cysts They are often painless, but the affected testicle may sometimes ache or feel heavy. You may also experience some pain and discomfort if the cyst puts pressure on other structures in or around your testicle.

How is rete testis formed?

The testes are formed in the abdominal cavity and descend into the scrotum during the seventh month of gestation, when they are stimulated by androgens. About 2 percent of newborn boys have an undescended testis at birth, but this condition often corrects itself by the age of three months.

Is epididymal cyst harmful?

An epididymal cyst is a harmless fluid-filled growth on a man’s testicle (testis). They are quite common and don’t usually require treatment. Many men feel them and are concerned they have testicular cancer, but a doctor can usually tell the difference.