
Which is the most serious complication in NG tube placement?

Which is the most serious complication in NG tube placement?

The main complications of NG tube insertion include aspiration and tissue trauma. Placement of the catheter can induce gagging or vomiting, therefore suction should always be ready to use in the case of this happening.

Can nasogastric tube cause damage?

Nasogastric Tube Complications When placed incorrectly, tubes may puncture your child’s esophageal tissue, make a hole, and cause damage. Placing the tube into the lung instead of the stomach can be life-threatening.

What happens when NG tube is misplaced?

Many practitioners may not have considered the real potential for harm that these innocent-looking plastic tubes may present, particularly if they are misplaced in the patient’s oesophagus or, worse, a bronchus. If not detected before feeding, patients can suffer complications like pneumonia, which can be fatal.

How long can you keep an NG tube in place?

The use of a nasogastric tube is suitable for enteral feeding for up to six weeks. Polyurethane or silicone feeding tubes are unaffected by gastric acid and can therefore remain in the stomach for a longer period than PVC tubes, which can only be used for up to two weeks.

Can an NG tube go into the lungs?

The tube may enter the lungs Because of the proximity of the larynx to the oesophagus, the nasogastric tube may enter the larynx and trachea (Lo et al, 2008). This may cause a pneumothorax (Zausig et al, 2008). When the tube is in the airway, it will cause severe irritation and cough.

What are the signs and symptoms of a displaced nasogastric tube?

A patient with a displaced tube typically complains of abdominal pain that worsens during feeding as gastric contents leak into the peritoneal cavity; also, you may observe external leakage of gastric contents. In this case, peritonitis may occur.

How do you insert an unconscious NG tube?

Insert NG tube tip slowly into the patient’s nostril and advance it steadily, in a downward direction, along the bottom of the nasal passage, with the curved end pointing downward in the direction of the ear on the same side as the nostril.

What actions would you take if you suspect the nasogastric tube was incorrectly positioned?

During insertion, if concern exists that the NG tube is in the incorrect place, ask the patient to speak. If the patient is able to speak, then the tube has not passed through the vocal cords and/or lungs.

How do you know if the NG tube is in the lungs?

Locating the tip of the tube after passing the diaphragm in the midline and checking the length to support the tube present in the stomach are methods to confirm correct tube placement. Any deviation at the level of carina may be an indication of inadvertent placement into the lungs through the right or left bronchus.

Can you drink water with an NG tube?

You may be able to still eat and drink whilst you have NG tube as long as you do not have any swallowing difficulties.